
The Iconic Rodgers Royal V Organ at Shinji Shumeikai in Japan

Rodgers' Royal V Organ began life as the world's second five manual electronic organ (first was Rodgers' famous five manual Carnegie Hall Organ in 1974). The Royal V's specification was designed by the internationally famous organist, Virgil Fox. Originally used by Fox as a touring organ, it later played for his 1980 funeral at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California. After serving the Crystal Cathedral during the installation of their famous pipe organ, the Royal V returned to Rodgers for refurbishing. 

In 1985, the Royal V found a new home in the Shiga Prefecture, Japan where it was permanently installed at the Shinji Shumeikai's Founders Hall as a memorial tribute to their founder, Mikotosama. The massive Founders Hall where the Royal V resides was designed by architect, Minoru Yamasaki, whose most famous work was the World Trade Center Towers in New York City. Internationally acclaimed organists such as Keith Chapman, Berj Zamkochian, and McNeil Robinson where brought to Japan to perform concerts on the renowned organ.

Then in 2004, the console returned again to Rodgers for refurbishing and to be updated with the latest in Rodgers technologies. The Royal V returned to Japan later that year with new additional stops and a totally new audio system. The organ fills the large hall beautifully and some even say it is the finest digital organ in the world!