
The Rodgers Infinity 361 is a masterpiece of digital engineering
The pastor, the choir, and the congregation are continually amazed by the clarity of the digital technology.
Bob Joyner Markham Woods Presbyterian Church, Lake Mary, FL

The quality of craftsmanship of Rodgers is outstanding
The congregational singing and participation increased almost immediately because, I feel, of its clarity and musical beauty which inspires sung prayer in the worship services.
Christopher J. Berke Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Petersburg, FL

This new instrument and technology from Rodgers is simply amazing
We are thrilled with the instrument and it has been received in the congregation and community with the highest accolades.
Ryan K. Hostler, MACM Our Savior Lutheran Church, Vero Beach, FL

The Inspire consoles are elegant and well crafted
The Inspire consoles have the specifications and features needed for all styles of music.
Peggy Bartunek

The sound of the Rodgers convinced me that this was the right instrument
And the wonderful variety available in this three manual organ, at such a great price, was the icing on my cake for sure.
Barry Nixon Philadelphia, PA

This is truly the fulfillment of a lifelong dream
Probably the one thing that has impressed and amazed me the most is the way the digital sounds and the pipe sounds blend into one organ.
Esther Kirkham First Presbyterian Church, Boca Raton FL

They all love the instrument! Several organists offered to take it with them!
Last weekend we hosted a benefit organ concert for Faith Community Homes. We played two full hours of organ music and the organ sounded fabulous!
Doug Williams All Saints Lutheran Church, Palatine, IL

Rodgers gives you a degree of flexibility that is unmatched
Our Pastor & Music Director went to hear the Rodgers organ at Rockefeller Chapel… we felt that Rodgers does the best job of replicating great pipe organ sound.
Dr. Stanleigh Jones Apostolic Church of God, Chicago, IL

Most people feel more enriched in their worship because of this organ
The organ is amazing, it is gorgeous. It resonates throughout the whole sanctuary here and we just love the sound of the organ.
Ross Purdy, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Burbank, CA

It sounded absolutely wonderful in that space
Our organist Eric Sipe is especially enjoying the Chimney Flute, the Solo Trumpet, and the Strings on the Swell.
Jeff Sitzman, Music Committee Chairman Crown Of Life Lutheran Church, Hubertus, WI

We will install four ranks of pipes for a complete hybrid solution
The sound of the console is remarkable and we know the sound when the pipes are integrated will truly be inspirational.
Nancy Holloway Canal Winchester, Ohio

The Inspire Series organs are the perfect match for the organist of any ability level!
The handsome consoles built to AGO standards are user-friendly and perfect for rehearsal or performance. The outstanding sound will convince the listener they are hearing actual pipes.
Dan Miller

We needed a completely new console and wanted to add excellent digital samples
The end result has been fantastic and our congregation regularly raves about the organ.
Dr. Jane Holstein, Director of Music First Presbyterian Church, River Forest, IL

The new organ is just fantastic
This is an historic day! The new organ is just fantastic. It exceeds all my expectations and will last a very long time.
David Castillo Gocher, Principal Organist First UMC Chapel, Evanston, IL

I love the instrument and its versatility
The instrument IHM has now is truly a masterpiece! What a dream come true.
Andrew Kreigh Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Monona, WI

I could not be more pleased with the new Rodgers console
With the new solid-state Rodgers Pipe Interface, the instrument is now reliable once again. The pipe and digital voices are always in tune.
Steven B. Smith, Principal Organist First Park Congregational Church, Grand Rapids, MI

Thank you so much for your continual attention and care of our organ!
The instrument brings together technology and art, creating a concept which combines the "wonder" of electronics with the "magic" of windblown pipes.
Tina Odrobinak, Director of Music & Liturgy St John the Evangelist, St. John, IN

I highly recommend Rodgers Organs for anyone looking to purchase a new organ
I’ve heard many great compliments on the “full” sound and also the orchestral voices which help to create a more prayerful and joyful service.
Sandi Michalicka, Organist St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Union City, OK

We look forward to this magnificent organ enhancing our Lutheran worship for many years!
Our new Rodgers four manual with Dewsbury pipe work has surpassed my expectations for sound, flexibility and ability to lead worship. We are overwhelmed with the beauty of the organ and the sound!
Bruce Becker Prince of Peace, Burnsville, MN

I would just like to tell you how much the new Rodgers Organ has enhanced our music ministry
It has enabled us to have truly a magnificent sounding trumpet for our weddings in the Chapel. Thank you!
Sr Andrea Lee, President The University of St. Catherine, St. Paul, MN